Create Strong Password and Remember Easily

We need password for our daily use. Now In those days, everywhere we need password to protect our accounts. For banking purpose, for Internet and many other accounts are maintained with username and password.  But there is a big problem of hackers who steal our privacy easily.

who are hackers ?

Hackers are those people who hack (steal) your accounts and password without your permission and they easily excess your accounts. If they steal your bank account, your bank account can be empty in seconds, if they steal your social network password, they cam missed use your account for any purpose. So this should be strong.

How they steal our passwords ?

We use very easy password. For example: qwerty which is in sequence in your keyboard, 12345678 they are first 8 numbers, abcdefgh first 8 letters and else. If you make other password, they contain either your name, Cast, your frequently used word etc etc... they are very common and hackers decode your password easily. So read this article completely and make strong password and remember easily.

How to make password strong ?

There are many ways to make your password STRONG. You can use a word having no meaning like drdeswwd and mix numbers and symbol and can make mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. for example above password could be as

DrdEsw4@wd or else.

This password is very very hard to remember. What to do ?

Yes of course ! This type of password is very hard to remember. So you can follow the following trick.

1. First of all, Write a sentence that is easy to remember for you.

 For example: I love to visit amazon and Nile both.

2. Select one letter from each word. Remember that they should be in at least one siquence

For example: here I Select first letter from odd from 1st 3rd 5th and 7th word and 3rd letter from 2nd 4th 6th and 8th word. You can select in any other format. But you must remember the sequence.
Here our password seems like this:

Just write down the password : ivtsadnt

This password is very hard to remember others or very hard to crack, but you can easily remember this. But this is not enough, We'll add something that will make this password 1000ds of times harder to crack, but that is easier to remember !

3. Capitalize some letters : Just capitalize some letters to make this harder

For example: here we'll capitalize 2nd and 3rd letters and this be as :  iVTsadnt

4. And finally add some letters and symbol

For example: Here we replace i with 9, Because i comes in 9th position in abcd and we'll add ! symbol too. Now our strong and easier to remember password be as: 9VTsa!dnt

You can use any sentence that is easier to remember, this can be any language. So enjoy the strongest password and remember easily. 

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